February 23, 2009

How To Repair Monitor (Common Tips)

If we have used monitor for several months or several years our monitor get damaged.
An easy way to fix a computer monitor that is to check the flow of electricity to power a series of ration monitor, then to the distribution chain as follows:

[1]. Open a closed back monitor that looks at all the components and equipment affordable by workshop as multimeter, toolset, and other tools. Be careful with the monitor is open, especially at the time of electricity entering the series, because there are extra high voltage of 16,000 volt to 30,000 volt is harmful to the human body.
[2]. Prepare the Multimeter to measure the incoming AC voltage at a series of ration power monitor, normally will be measured, large 220 volt. Continue to measure the voltage on the DC power to remove the portion of DC series monitor on each monitor different brands and types of different magnitude according to the design of each plant. Use the scheme in accordance with the type of monitor being correct, the scheme can get you in the manual full package when buying a monitor.
[3]. Measure the voltage power connectors in the horizontal output transistor, generally equal to 90 Volt DC on normal condition. This voltage show a working conditions of high voltage that can turn the picture tube. When the voltage is down to half, can be sure there is damage to the series of horizontal, replace with a new power transistor. To replace the power transistor is a new type should use the exact same, except if it is not possible then can replace the transistor with others who are similar and higher voltage rating.
[4]. Turn up or down light intensity (brigthness) on the front panel to monitor the position of the maximum. See the reaction on the picture tube, when no change in check around a series of extra high voltage transformer. This needs to be done to check whether the transformer can still generate extra high voltage to set the picture tube.
[5]. Also check the capacitors that connect the high voltage transformer with the ground. Remove this capacitor with a multimeter and measure, if there is leakage change with the new capacitors. Capacitors that are dry will alter the value of capacity and result in changing impedance will affect the extra-high voltage transformer which can not generate voltage as needed, this will be visible on the screen that bleak, dim, or the brightness does not work.
[6]. After all the components that were damaged in the new change, to try to turn on the computer monitor in the new program with the correct diagnosis. Diagnosis Program is run in a special test on the menu display can be made in the guidelines to improve the computer monitor, such as check-It, QAPlus, PC-Technician, JC, Bench, and so forth.

Remember, above tips are just common tips. If you still got errors, the easy ways is bring your monitor to your friend or colleague who knows better about monitor.

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